Country Girl Moved To Tokyo - an exciting uncensored Asian porn film from Japan in 2014 by S1 No.1 Style studio. In this erotic story, we follow Urumi Narumi, a young country girl who decides to leave her provincial life behind and venture into the bustling metropolis of Tokyo in search of new opportunities and sexual adventures. She immerses herself in a world of temptations and lust, discovering sexual fantasies and secrets of the big city. In Tokyo, she encounters a diverse cast of characters who teach her everything she needs to know about sex and pleasure. From passionate encounters with strangers to bold experiments with groups or even orgies - Country Girl Moved To Tokyo explores the boundaries of sexual desires and entertainment. Get ready to dive into a vivid and unforgettable world of Japanese porn, where rural innocence takes a backseat and desire and passion take center stage. (SNIS-246)