Last X film in 35mm directed by Jean-François Davy, “mirror” version of his unreleased feature film La Femme en spiral . For his farewell to the genre, the filmmaker brings together the fine flower of adult cinema of the time: Marilyn Jess, Alban Ceray, Marianne Aubert, Olinka, Piotr Stanislas and Cathy Menard.
Cast: Olinka Hardiman, Christoph Clark, Cathy Menard, Marilyn Jess, Andre Kay, Chantal Trobert, Jean-Pierre Armand, Evelyne Lang, Chantal Trobert, Gabriel Pontello, Maggy Follet, Marianne Aubert, Pierre Buisson, Elinia Martinelli, Alban Ceray, Arlene Cardin.